Portuguese Cultural Center in Danbury, CT

Anna and I were invited to be the guest artists at the Ballroom Dinner Dance at the Portuguese Cultural Center in Danbury, CT on Wednesday, July 29, 2015. Hosted by Jerry and Deborah, this dance featured 108 dancers from all over the Connecticut area and had enough space to hold them all. We were invited to demonstrate West Coast Swing and Hustle and also teach a mini West Coast Swing lesson.

Supportive Crowd

 When we arrived, we were graciously received by all the attendees. Some people had traveled almost 2 hours to be a part of the evening. We even had approximately 10 of our own students come to support our demonstrations and represent our Norwalk-based community. We were extremely excited and thankful for the friendly faces and positive vibes for our West Coast Swing and Hustle lessons.

Enormous Workshop

Every teacher sometimes has to face a small group of new dances - this was just the opposite. Almost the entire room of 108 people stood up to partake in the free 30 minute West Coast Swing crash course. In the class, we taught some of most utilized and simple moves of West Coast Swing: the Sugar Push, the Right Pass, and the Left Pass. Anna and I had a such a great time teaching this workshop.

The Secret are the Hosts

We personally and publicly want to thank Jerry and Deborah for hosting this dance and inviting us. We look forward to being a part of other parties that they host and hope that they will be figureheads at our Dancing New Year's Eve CT 2015 party in Stamford, CT later this year.
